Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel presenting “Gallery Ultracontemporaine” and “Emergency Art Research Center” at Bien Contemporary / CPH

The gallery will work as an observatory of the NOW, translating events and emergencies into artistic expressions. Events are ranked into levels of emergencies and placed back into a space that will evolve and be created in real-time. The gallery started before planned on 22/02/2022, observing the history of the war in real-time.

The exhibition will be adjusted, sometimes several times a day. That working method always includes uncertainty and unpredictability.

The timing, the geographic context, and the words are critical for this Ultracontemporary and Emergency Art Format.

We are still in an experimental warm-up phase and, step by step, we aim to create a web channel, launch philosophical evenings, create happenings and debates.

The gallery will also be the Head Quarter for outside the gallery interventions.

The artist Thierry Geoffroy / Colonel creator of the Format has a long history of working on Emergency Art (since 1989). The most known formats are “Emergency Room”, “Critical Run”, and “Biennalists”.

They have been commissioned in institutions like MOMA / PS1 , Moderna Museet Stockholm, ZKM Museum Kahrlsruhe, The Venice Biennale, Manifesta, and others.

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